Parts Needed;

New set of cogs from honda - (£28.76 brand new)
.25mm feeler gauges -
Grade 2 multi purpose grease
Thread lock sealant
17mm socket
10mm socket
Philips screw driver
A pencil/chalk/crayon
Plenty of kitchen roll/old towel etc (it's greasey work...)
and about an hour or so free to play a little...
Okay first off remove the tilter unit...
to do this;
- take the roof off,
- remove the two screws in the interior trim and prize it off carefully,
- remove the cable on the left by unscrewing the nut and pulling out the cable,
- disconnect the power socket on the right side
- there are 2 10mm bolts and 2 10mm nuts underneath the unit
- it should now just fall into your hands.
ta da!

first step!
Take the top off of the unit;
- undo the two screws and lift the plate off carefully,
- its likely stuck to the underneath of the plate is two washers, don't lose them

I also removed the wings on the side, i dont think it watters if you do or not to be honest...

Step 2!
- flip the unit upside down
- remove the bottom plate - 4 screws

Step 3!
Clean up job!
mine was mank! (the pic below is also missing one of the cogs.. it kind of obliterated

- carefully remove each cog, i found that the grease had gone abit funny in mine too, so i cleaned it all out

I also took the worm plate out thats held in by two screws and a small plate to the right of that held by a single screw, in the middle there is a ball bearing do not lose it!!
Cleaned up it looks as follows!

Step 4!
- Take the time now to test the lifters themselves these are the two metal cogs, lift them slightly and turn one side then the other ensure they move freely**
(**note that full twisting it clockwise will cause it to eventually stop.. thats ok!)
- if its sticking or hard to move, it will either need to be replaced or cleaned and regreased

- once done start replacing the pieces,
- firstly if you took the worm plate out grease it up and place it back in along with the ball bearing and the holding plate for it.
**Make sure you place the thread sealant on all screws being replaced!**
- Grease up your new cogs... - my new grease looks more dirty than the old one

Step 5!
- Replace all your cogs...

- now first important part...

- on the right there are two cogs (labelled 2 and 3) that have arrows on them twist the smaller one counter clockwise until the arrows meet as shown above
Step 6a!
- the cog labelled 1 should be lifted about 10mm and twisted clockwise until it stops and drop it back in place
- make a mark between cogs 1 and 2 using one of the teeth on cog 1.
- make a 2nd mark on cog 1 on further clockwise of the first one skipping one tooth to make a 2nd mark on the 3rd tooth.

now lift no.1 cog and twist counter clockwise until the marks meet again and drop it in.
Step 6b!
- repeat the above step for the other side.
- twist fully clockwise
- make your marks
- twist counter clockwise two teeth and drop back in...
Step 7
- replace the washers on the cogs, ensure they're greased
- screw the bottom plate back on - place thread lock on all the screws
- flip the unit back over
Step 8 - almost there now...

- grab your feeler gauges - .25mm
- the two nuts on the top at each side need to be done up just tight enough for the feeler gauges to move in and out.
- place the top panel over the top of the two nuts, make sure the nuts are aligned properly to fit the groves made for them - adjust slightly if you need to
- once happy replace the rubber guards (if you removed them) grease the washers and replace them.
- *2nd important bit* When placing the plate back on top of the unit there is a hole with a plastic flick switch covering it - this is where the centre roof lock enters - this needs to be pressed in when placing the plate on top of the unit.
- screw it back in place - place thread lock on all the screws
- replace the wings if you removed them...
Screw back into the car and you should be set!!
Mines now quieter, smoother and working! lol
if i've missed anything/something not clear/need more detail lemme know and i'll update the thread...