How do I become a full member?

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How do I become a full member?

Postby chopperman » Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:29 pm

I have a TT issue and would like to get into that section of the forum. I can't find anywhere on the site where I can pay up to become a full member. Please enlighten me, thanks.

Re: How do I become a full member?

Postby sol'd out » Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:27 pm

It's two threads above you in this thread.

To summarise - pay £15 by Paypal to and one of the admins will add you to the official members list and you'll have access to everything. :D
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Re: How do I become a full member?

Postby chopperman » Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:25 am

Thanks for that, I have just paid my 15.00.

Re: How do I become a full member?

Postby manu85 » Wed May 13, 2009 8:57 pm

just paid mine but still not a member?

Re: How do I become a full member?

Postby boredbloke » Wed May 13, 2009 9:48 pm

its not automatic bud, one of the admins has to authorise your account, give em a couple of hours or something ;)
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Best idea ever!!!
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